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Wykłady lekcyjne

Education quality assurance system

Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego (WSKZ) carries out a number of activities in the field of improving the study program and improving the quality of education, which are carried out, among others, by on the basis of Regulation No. 7/2019 of the Rector of Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego of September 30, 2019 on the introduction of the Education Quality Assurance System at WSKZ.


The Education Quality Assurance System (EQAS) is a tool for implementing the pro-quality policy of WSKZ in the field of educating students in all fields of study.

The entities performing the tasks of the QMS are:

Commission for
Quality of Education

is a forum for discussing education quality assurance issues. CQE consists of academic teachers, other teachers, administrative staff and students. 

CQE is responsible for the overall, broadly understood didactic process, ranging from the design, creation and changes in study programs and specialization modules, organization of the didactic process to program evaluation and analysis of the assumed learning outcomes. Additionally, he is responsible for human resources policy, recruitment of research and teaching staff and evaluation of academic teachers.

Administration staff

provide administrative support to the QMS

for Education

organizes visits to classes conducted by teaching and research and teaching staff in a given field of study; verified by  documentation, approves the prepared syllabuses and is responsible for the formal organization of student internships.

Academic teachers
and other teachers

are subject to student assessment, as well as submit documents and materials from the conducted classes (confirming the achievement of the assumed learning outcomes) analyzed by the Vice-Rector for Education


proposes directions for further activities of the University, creates the image of the University outside and initiates joint ventures in the social and economic environment. In addition, she supports the University in teaching matters, provides assistance in the organization of internships and apprenticeships for students, and indicates candidates for awards for the best diploma thesis.

Student council

expresses opinions on matters of education, on study programs and fees, participates in meetings of the Senate and KJK and engages in broadly understood activities aimed at improving the quality of education at the University.

The education quality policy is all activities undertaken during the academic year aimed at ensuring that students, learners, graduates as well as lecturers, administrative staff and stakeholders meet the highest standards of the education quality assurance and improvement system. 

Assessment of the teaching staff (OKD)
and Assessment of the Quality of Education (OJK)

analysis and evaluation of surveys regarding the current and future expectations of students in the field of educational services

Tools supporting the education quality policy include:

Based on the data from the analysis of individual tools for studying the learning outcomes, a study program evaluation report is prepared, including:

List of learning outcomes for a field of study that are not covered by the subject learning outcomes

List of learning outcomes for the field of study, the achievement of which is impossible in the implementation of the planned educational content in the existing study program

List of subjects whose location in the study plan is inappropriate due to an inappropriate sequence of subjects

List of phased works in which irregularities were noticed

List of theses with irregularities noticed

List of institutions with a noticed low level of achievement of the learning outcomes achieved by students during apprenticeships


© 2022 Wyższa SzkoÅ‚a KsztaÅ‚cenia Zawodowego


Tel: 22 602 01 10



Plac PowstaÅ„ców ÅšlÄ…skich 1/201,
53-329 Wroclaw

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