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Academic personnel

The pride of the University is its qualified research and teaching staff, which provides students with a high level of education. In many cases, they are well-known professors and doctors from universities, academies and polytechnics from all over Poland. Their extensive, substantive knowledge is complemented by outstanding practitioners. 

Course of study: Internal Security

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Academic teachers - 1 full-time job

Czesław Jarecki, PhD, DSc, ProfTit

Professor of social sciences in the field of security sciences. Colonel of the Polish Army retired. He performed military service in command and staff positions as well as in teaching and management positions at a military university. 45 years of work as an academic teacher at universities: the Academy of the General Staff of the Polish Army, the National Defense Academy and the Naval Academy. Lecturer of subjects: tactics and operational art of land forces; management and command, research methodology and basics of logic. Long-term head of the department and head of doctoral studies. Author of over 120 works on the use of land forces in operations and research methodology. Promoter of over 200 MA theses and 17 defended doctoral theses in the field of military command  and national and internal security.

Karol Falandys, PhD

PhD in social sciences in the field of politics - a specialist in the field of security, terrorism, geopolitics, recovery of isolated personnel as well as disinformation and subversion. Security practitioner, from 2000 to 2019 he served in uniformed formations related to state security. Author and co-author of numerous scientific publications on counteracting terrorism, recovering isolated personnel, the system of recovering Polish citizens, people smuggling and illegal migration, as well as operational reconnaissance.

Daniel Damian Kasprzycki, PhD

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of security sciences. A specialist in the field of international security with particular emphasis on military issues. Author or co-author of numerous books (including "Iraq-Iran 1980-1988", "Arab Spring. Libya 2011, Syria 2011-2014", "Russian strategic thought and military potential in the 21st century") and scientific articles on related to the Russian art of war and international security Area of interest: military history, issues of international security, Arabic studies, terrorism as well as polemology and strategy.

Martyna Zarzycka, PhD

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of defense sciences. A specialist in the field of management and interpersonal communication. A graduate of the National Defense University in Warsaw, undergraduate and graduate studies in Management. A graduate of post-graduate studies in the field of Occupational Health and Safety Management at the University of Technology and Commerce. Helena Chodkowska in Warsaw. Academic lecturer at the Academy of Martial Arts in Warsaw, Pedagogium - University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, WSB University in Warsaw. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of defense, security, communication and didactics. Currently, he is a senior specialist in the certification of occupational health and safety competences at the Center for Assessment and Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Competences, at the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute in Warsaw.

Grzegorz Zakrzewski, BEng, PhD

Doctor of Engineering, the field of agricultural sciences, the discipline of environmental management. He served in the Polish Navy, a long-term academic lecturer, he conducted classes mainly in the field of protection and shaping of the natural environment. The scientific achievements coincide with the issues taught and are enriched with the subject of cybersecurity.

Jerzy Słowik, BEng, PhD

PhD in Economics. He specializes in research on the competitiveness of the Podkarpacie region. He prepared numerous teaching materials for students in electronic form. Completed courses and training in the field of IT. He teaches subjects related to Occupational Health and Safety and Security of Computer Networks.

Robert Foks, PhD

PhD in Political Science -  specialist in the field of contemporary Polish eastern policy and security problems in international relations. In the years 2013-2020, academic lecturer in the fields of national security and international security at the Institute of International Studies of the University of Wrocław (conducted courses: Forecasting and simulations in security management, Modeling of crisis and conflict situations, Negotiations in crisis situations, Logistics in crisis situations, Crisis management) . Author of publications on international relations and security policy in Central and Eastern Europe.

Henryk Fedewicz, PhD

Doctor of legal sciences in the field of law - a specialist in the field of internal security with particular emphasis on the legal and forensic problems of protecting the interests of the state, as well as negative phenomena related to the process of managing the security and protection of information with its numerous socio-economic implications.

Przemysław Ruchlewski, PhD

Vice-Rector for Education; doctor of humanities in the field of history. Professionally associated with the European Solidarity Center. Doctor of Humanities in the field of history with teaching experience. Academic lecturer and teacher in the humanities, social sciences and administration. Author of several dozen scientific articles, scientific editor of collective works, participant of domestic foreign conferences. He is the author of many monographs and articles on the history of security  incl . "Actions of state authorities towards the Catholic Church in Toruń", Toruń 2017.

Elżbieta Important, PhD

Doctor of sciences in the field of economics and the disciplines of finance - specialist in the field of marketing, management, finance, public finance, banking and  corporate finance and financial markets as well as investment analysis and valuation.  A professional practitioner with 25 years of work experience in public administration, including 14 years as an accountant. Long-term academic lecturer teaching the following subjects: economic security, financial security, unit cost management, budgetary unit costs, corporate finance, finance, public finance, financial markets. Author of nearly 20 scientific publications in highly scored scientific journals in  such areas as: public finance, financial markets, insurance, an investment fund for shares and bonds on the domestic and foreign market, task-based budget as well as the tax system in Poland. Participant of 7 international conferences.

Łukasz Zemła, MSc

Graduate of political science, specialist in team management and human resource management. Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equal Rights. Author of scientific publications related to the subject of political science. Long-term academic lecturer at the WSB University in Chorzów, University of Silesia in Katowice, University of Economics and Humanities in Bielsko Biała, WSB University in Wrocław - teaching the following subjects: introduction to the science of politics, philosophy and ethics, basics of the functioning of the state and law, political systems in Europe.

Other teachers

Jerzy Będzmirowski, , PhD, DSc, ProfTit

A graduate of the Naval Academy (currently the Naval Academy) in Gdynia. Since 2013, he has been a titular professor - social sciences. Currently, he is a full professor at the department of command and naval operations at the Naval Academy. He has published several monographs and over two hundred scientific and popular science articles in domestic and foreign periodicals. Area of his interest: the political and military situation in the Baltic Sea in the period  the interwar period, the Cold War in the Baltic Sea, state maritime security and international security of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Grzegorz Pietrek, PhD, DSc

Habilitated doctor in security sciences. - security management expert. Retired Police Officer. He specializes in issues related to crisis management, migration issues, security of mass events, security management, flood protection, civil defense, civil protection and security administration. Author of nearly 100 scientific publications in Polish and English. Promoter and reviewer of over 100 diploma theses. Active participant in national and international seminars in the field of security. He completed research and teaching internships in Slovakia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. An expert of the National Center for Research and Development. A court expert at the District Court in Gdańsk in the field of security management.

Paweł Łabuz, PhD


A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Professor of the University of Economics, Law and Medical Sciences prof. Edward Lipiński in Kielce. Academic teacher (lecturer): University of Warsaw, Radom University of Economics, WSPiA Rzeszowska University, Collegium Humanum / Main Managerial School in Warsaw. Lecturer in international training of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)  (eng.  European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training associate teacher: at the Institute of Law and Higher Administration  Schools  Police  In  Szczytno  and  Police Schools  In  Pile.  Lecturer in subjects: criminal law, police law, forensics, criminology, security studies, combating terrorism, fighting organized crime, activities  operational and reconnaissance.  Proficient  judicial  with  range  combating crime, operational and reconnaissance activities and detective. PhD thesis defended at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, entitled “Organized crime in the legal and forensic aspect. Author of over 100 scientific publications.  He specializes in criminal law, operational and penal procedure, police law, criminal and economic information management and systematics of economic intelligence, combating organized crime in its entire spectrum, forensics and criminology. Author of several dozen publications in the field of combating crime, anti-terrorism and tactics  investigative,  counter-detection,  combat  crime,  trade  people, activities  operational and reconnaissance, security  internal  and national, information management, criminal procedure and police law.

Karol Sołek, BEng, PhD

PhD in Economics. Former President of the Fire Department in Krzeczowice. His scientific achievements include work in the field of economics, finance, law and security. As a lecturer, he conducts classes with students, incl.  economics,  law, management and security. Conducting workshops for advisers on how to keep Account Books for the needs of the European Commission under FADN. Participant of numerous national and international conferences.

 Agnieszka Pawłowska, PhD

Doctor of humanities in the discipline of political science. Academic lecturer with over 15 years of experience. Author of scientific publications related to the analysis of local policies in the field of protection of cultural goods, social services and education. In the previous positions, they were taken  incl . topics related to the issue of determinants of independence of local government units, tasks of local government units within the framework of specific public policies and support for people with disabilities.

Stanisław Gemra, BEng, PhD (employee until January 31, 2022)

PhD in Economics. The degree obtained by defending a doctoral dissertation entitled "The course and effects of restructuring of state-owned car communication enterprises". Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of organization and management (mainly in transport companies). Promoter of theses, both undergraduate and graduate. Currently, an associate professor at the Institute of Economics and Management of the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław and a lecturer in the field of internal security at WSKZ.

Marek Gąsior, MSc

Senior Inspector in the Air Defense Corps in Wrocław and Head of the Aviation Department in the Air Defense Corps. Auditor in the field of civil aviation security entered on the list by the Civil Aviation Authority. Author of the Landing Pads instructions for helicopters and airplanes together with an operational rescue plan. Academic lecturer and training instructor related to civil aviation.

Natalia Knyshyk, MSc

A graduate of the Pedagogical University of Ivan Frank. She cooperates and conducts training in English and German for Border Guard officers and provides translations for uniformed services (including the Police and Border Guard).


Rafał Miętkiewicz, PhD, Comdr.

Doctor of safety sciences, specialist in the field of maritime safety and the use of unmanned surface units in securing maritime infrastructure facilities, many years of security practices (Commander of the Missile and Artillery and Submarine Department of the 630 ship, Deputy Commander of the Ship 646, Deputy Commander of the Ship Group on Okręcie 643, after Commander of the Ship 645) - Dr. Tomasz Wróblewski - doctor of defense sciences, graduate of the National Defense Academy in Warsaw, specialist in the field of personal data protection and classified information; many years of security practice (CBŚP - expert in the criminal division, Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland - Head of the Criminal Section).

Michał Ceglarek, PhD

Doctor of History, specializing in the history of Poland in the 20th century; academic lecturer (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), author of monographs, chapters in monographs, and several dozen scientific articles; author of a script for students of national security entitled "The evolution of the concept of strategy in security sciences" (Publishing House of the Academy of War Art).

Michał Ceglarek, PhD

Doctor of History, specializing in the history of Poland in the 20th century; academic lecturer (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), author of monographs, chapters in monographs, and several dozen scientific articles; author of a script for students of national security entitled "The evolution of the concept of strategy in security sciences" (Publishing House of the Academy of War Art).

Ewa Makosz, BEng, PhD


Occupational health and safety specialist, customs agent; academic lecturer, Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies of the Higher School of Security in Gliwice; author of several scientific articles.

Sławomir Gromadzki, PhD

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of security obtained at the Academy of Martial Arts, Department of National Security; academic lecturer, trainer, consultant, participant of observation missions in Ukraine, Kosovo and Greece.

Jowita Brudnicka-Żółtaniecka, PhD

doctor of social sciences in the discipline of security obtained at the Academy of War Arts; university lecturer, specialist in geopolitics and forecasting; research area related to the functioning of the "dysfunctional state" Afghanistan, Oceania and the methodology of security sciences.

Piotr Motyl, PhD

doctor of humanities in the field of political science obtained at the Department of Internal and International Security at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; scientific interests related to the theoretical and practical dimension of international treaties, and the social dimension of security and the development of new technologies.

Bogusław Kogut, PhD

Doctor of social sciences in the discipline of safety sciences obtained at the Police Academy in Szczytno, specialist in the operation of the National Fire and Rescue System; from July 2008 to March 2017, Commander of the School of Aspirants of the State Fire Service in Krakow, academic teacher conducting classes in the field of safety, rescue, civil protection, crisis management, civil defense, chemical rescue, fire protection.

Leszek Krakowski, MSc

A graduate of the Higher School of Safety and Security Marshal Józef Piłsudski in Warsaw and the Maritime University of Gdynia; many years of security practice (Office of State Protection - Head of Department, counterintelligence officer, Polish Ocean Lines Gdynia, Polska Żegluga Morska Szczecin, "EUROAFRICA" Ltd. Szczecin Shipping Lines - navigational officer in international shipping.

Beata Browarczyk, MSc

Master in Management Sciences and Master in Mathematics; academic lecturer at the University of Social and Economics in Gdańsk; coordinator of postgraduate MBA studies; author of scientific articles in the Pomorze Self-Government Review on the subject of controlling as a modern enterprise management tool and sales management.

Małgorzata Ksenia Bogusz, MSc

Participant of the Doctoral School at the College of Political Sciences and Administration at the University of Wrocław; graduate of the Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław - major in National Security (specialization in Crisis Management); participant of the Polish Military Contingent EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Polish Military Contingent KFOR in Kosovo.

Piotr Gonera, MSc

Academic lecturer at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa, specialist in rescue tactics, altitude rescue instructor, technical rescue instructor, search and rescue training instructor, self-rescue and ice rescue instructor.

Artur Balcerzak, MSc

A graduate of the University of Gdańsk in the field of Security and Crisis Management. He started his road with security from scratch, taking up his first job in security agencies, where he gained apprenticeship in subsequent positions. He continued his career in the area of security as a Police NCO, gaining operational and procedural experience in the Department of Prevention, Investigation and Investigation, Operational and Reconnaissance, Criminal and Fight against Economic Crime. Repeatedly awarded and awarded for the achieved results, professionalism and commitment to the service. After the decision to move to the civil sector, he started cooperation with an international company dealing in PMSC services, where first as Team Leader he provided security organization for large corporations ( including MAERSK, SHELL) in high-risk areas, and then as a consultant and trainer he dealt with advice on internal security and training. Former Chief of Security at STATE STREET Corp., where he improved prevention and incident response processes. Currently, he works in the Security Department of the POLPHARMA Group, where he is responsible for the organization of security and manages physical protection, as well as modernization and implementation projects for security systems. Security and Business Continuity Auditor. Classified information protection officer and TI security inspector with ABW credentials. He has completed a number of specialist courses in the field of facility safety management and regularly participates in Congresses and Workshops for experts. Self-defense, shooting and first aid instructor. Security mentor on the "Security Criterion" portal.

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